How To Create A New Mysql Database?

Mysql is a comprehensive database that makes it much easier to store any data that is meant to be displayed on your website. Here’s a rough guideline for setting up a new database.

Step 1- Log onto PhpMyAdmin and input the name for the database. Name it as your username followed by an underscore ( _ ) and then the name of the database. For example: username_databasename. This tells the server who owns the database.

Step 2- Make a new table for the database. Tables are where you store the data. To create the first table, select your new database from a drop down list. Name the table based on what will be stored in that particular table, like inventory or users for example. It will ask you how many columns or fields should be in the table, so choose the appropriate number. It is always possible to add new fields or delete extras, so don’t worry too much about how many to make right now.

Step 3- Now you need to define the fields. It seems more complicated than it actually is. Generally, you decide one of three most common types of data that will be most relevant for the data you are storing in the table. You can always go back to edit a field if you make any mistakes. You can set up the fields to store text, numbers, dates, timestamps, and basically anything else you can think of.

These are the three basic steps for creating a new Mysql database. Beginners may have some difficulty at first but it is very easy to learn, and soon you will be a master at it. Once you complete all the steps you will have a brand new database that you can use to display data on your website.

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