Learn How To Make A Simple Website

When you have settled your domain name and web host, the next step is to design the web site. Although there are many considerations in web design, as a beginner, your first step is to actually get something out onto the web. The fine-tuning can come after you’ve figured out how to get a basic web page into your site.

Once you start building Web pages, you will want to learn the languages that build them. HTML is the building block of Web pages. CSS is the language used to make those Web pages pretty. And XML is the markup language for programming the Web. Understanding the basics of HTML and CSS will help you build better Web pages. One way is to use a web editor to do it. Such editors allow you to design your site visually, without having to muck around with the technical details. They work just like a normal word processor.

There are many commercial and free web editors around. For those who don’t mind spending money on a good commercial web editor, one of the most highly- regarded web editors is Dreamweaver. Adobe Dreamweaver is a computer program that you can use to create and maintain a website. It lets you design websites visually on your computer, almost in the same way you would use a wordprocessor like Microsoft Word or Office. Your site will have a home page, a feedback form, an About Us page and a Site Map. In the process of creating this site, you will learn how to create pages with multiple columns, add pictures and text, create links, use different font sizes, customise the colors, add a menu bar, update the design on multiple web pages in an easy way, etc.

If you are going to make dynamic web site then you have to learn PHP ( Hypertext Preprocessor). PHP seems very much in vogue now – with most web hosts providing support for it. PHP is a free server side scripting language. It can be built into web servers like Apache and you can use it to generate your pages dynamically. You will probably use it in situations you would have otherwise used a Perl CGI script for. PHP
makes it very easy to do many things needed on a website, among which is to create an image. The ability to generate an image in PHP can be useful if you want to do things like create CAPTCHA images, or even design a banner or logo on the fly the way some free blogging software do.

Flash Web Design is a very powerful & flexible medium to create impact on the viewers mind. Flash web designing has increasingly developed to a magnitude replacing the traditional methods of web designing. Flash is used to create animated websites with sound effects and interactive clippings defining the products or services rendered by the owner of that website. Flash adds animation and dynamic interaction to your Web site. Flash and Shockwave are perfect for dynamic Web sites. Flash used to be owned by Macromedia and is now owned by Adobe.

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